too much of a sissy?"

Seeing my buddy's pink tinted fingertips checking his skirt, I commented honestly, "I guess everyone already thought that.. .I must say, you look more presentable in a dress and make-up."

"Really?" Baily nearly swooned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. He smoothed the soft sweater over his brassiere and twirled around. "Maybe I should have been a girl."

Before we left his house, I caught him unconsciously swinging his skirt as he turned to see the back view of his legs.

As we headed for the theater, Baily became concerned about who we'd see. He applied a touch more pink to his lips as we walked. I myself felt the difference. It was just like I was on a date with a real pretty girl.

On Monday at school, I was waiting for Baily near the gym with some other friends. When he entered, we could not believe our eyes. He was in his neat, white, girl's overalls. When he saw us staring he blushed fiercely. To my surprise, he was wearing pink lipstick and a touch of mascara. I hadn't noticed before but his eyebrows had been plucked into a thin elegant feminine shape. The overalls fit his bottom tightly and most looming. . .he must have been wearing a padded bra! He looked exactly like a girl THERE too.

None of us said a word since we all knew that the Bride's mother had fallen in love with the area and was touring the town today. As a teacher, she could be coming by our school. It was a long shot but we all knew it would be over when they left that night.

I never get calls early in the morning. It was seven a.m. when my Mother called me to the phone. Baily was in tears, sobbing, "I have to be a girl for a while."



"They aren't leaving. They are staying here for two more weeks! Something about waiting for the wedding pictures. They love it here." Baily moaned. "Mother says we could get sued and lose everything if they found out."

"What's that mean?"

"I wanted to warn you. I'm wearing a dress to school today."

My father, who overheard the conversation, just shook his head. "You know," he said, "At the wedding, a couple guys in the wedding party wanted to know if I had Baily's phone number. When you weren't around, one guy asked him out."

"He never told me that!"

There were no nasty remarks when Baily showed up at school in a dress.

A few of the girls complimented him on his dress and the effort he was making in "being one of them."

Sullenly, I watched as Baily minced about school in a dress and heels. The short, tight skirt came to just above his knees and his smooth legs were something to admire. The dress was obviously tailor made for him because it fit so perfectly. The smooth, close fitting waist defined his girlish, trim figure.

I just could not understand where all this was leading.

"Are you still wearing that trainer?" I asked when we were alone.

"Oh, no," he said, running his hands down over his bustline. "Just a bra and panties...like any girl," he remarked casually.

It was like he couldn't have thought of not wearing them----any more than a girl would have thought of not wearing a bra. I once heard his mother say, "If you are a female, this is what you wear." To judge from the fact that every girl in my high school wore lingerie, she was right.